Multiple Works

Since beginning work on my book about success, like every other piece of works I tackle, I immediately got an idea to write a second book. Sounds crazy I know, but I think its amazing that I `m able to write two books simultaneously. I`ve also managed to compile four of my already polished short stories, and get them ready to be self published in the New Year.

I guess everything that has happened upto this point, has worked in sync and helped me gain clarity. When your mind is filled with a 1001 ideas and plans, time and patience is needed to create mental and physical files, to get a better understanding of where to begin and how to move ahead…


New Book

Yesterday I began writing a script for a book, that I`​ve been contemplating to write for ages. My very own, first motivational book ever. Its a book on “How to become successful”. Although, that title might change once the book has been polished to perfection.

Sounds cheesy I know, but I`m more interested in the impact that my words and advice would make on people. Giving back and feeding peoples minds with positivity.

Pure Bliss…